
First Trimester of Pregnancy

What is the first trimester of pregnancy? The first one-third of pregnancy starts from the first day and ends in the 13th week, and practically it begins before the same fertilization process, i.e., from the date of the last menstruation.

What is the first trimester of pregnancy?

It is important notes during this period:

  1. The first one-third of pregnancy is the most important and most dangerous, which determines the path of pregnancy in terms of its safety and stability in general.
  2. The carrier feels psychological changes and hormonal and has no acute physiological changes in the abdomen, feet, and high weight.
  3. The fetus starts the march of his life in the uterus after the fertilization process to integrate all its devices with time and reach its length with the end of this one-centimeter.
  4. Many tests must be made in this period; To ensure the safety of the pregnant and fetal integrity, such as blood examination tests, ultrasound examination, placenta examination. 

Symptoms First Trimester Pregnancy

Despite the consensus of the expert on a set of symptoms that appear when pregnancy occurs, there are many cases that pregnant women do not feel, which is very typical. Still, on the other hand, the absence of symptoms may suddenly indicate that they have a problem, This requires a review of your doctor immediately, and then the most common pregnancies are common in the first three months.

The absence of the monthly session

The absence of the menstrual cycle is one of the most important signs that pregnancy is accompanied by pregnancy.

Simple bleeding

Some pregnant women suffer from light bleeding during the First Trimester of Pregnancy. Sharp.

Feeling tired

The fetus is growing during pregnancy at a fast rate, causing the exhaustion of the pregnant mother’s body, and in any case, there is a range of tips that can be followed to improve energy levels at the mother, mention them as they come:
Comfort your body as much as possible, and get enough sleep during the night.
Accept the help of others and ask them if possible.
Drink enough liquids, or nearly two to two daily. Divide meals into small meals and more frequently.
Exercise regularly.
The frequent urination and increased secretions note the pregnant increase the number of times going to the bathroom for urination compared to pregnancy and may be due to an increase in the amount of blood in the woman’s body during pregnancy, which requires kidney dealing with an excessive amount of fluid and therapy, and thus increases the amount of impedance In the bladder.
The pregnant may notice an increase in vaginal secretions during First Trimester Pregnancy, so it is recommended to maintain clean and dry lingerie, and it is essential for not cleaning or washing the vagina from the inside, but must review the doctor if suffering from itching or ulcers in the vagina suffering Infection.


The feeling of pain in the chest is one of the early marks that show pregnancy and appears as a result of hormonal changes that create milk channels in breasts and processes to breastfeed after birth. It is usually as a means of providing comfort, mitigation, and pain, in addition to the possibility of wearing a supportive bra.

First Trimester Pregnancy

The pregnancy period is calculated from the first day of the last monthly session. Accordingly, the period of pregnancy is forty weeks. These weeks are usually divided into three sections. They include the first third of the first three months, and in this third forming the body’s body structure and members of its different devices, It is worth mentioning that there are many physical changes in the pregnant during the first third of pregnancy and are attributed to hormonal changes and their impact on their body members, and the pregnant woman may suffer from some symptoms as a result of these changes.

Fetal growth in first-trimester pregnancy

In the following lines, we will talk about the development of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy:

Fetal development in the first month

  • The fetus is surrounded by a watery sac that forms around the fertilized egg, which protects the developing fetus throughout the pregnancy.
  • The placenta is developing at this stage of pregnancy. The placenta is a round, flat organ that transfers nourishment from the mother to the baby.
  • It also transfers waste from the baby. The face is rudimentary, with two large circles for the eyes, the mouth, and the lower jaw.
  • Blood cells are formed, and the fetus’s blood circulation begins to function.
  • By the end of the first month of pregnancy, your fetus will be about 7-6 mm long, almost a quarter of an inch, about the size of a grain of rice.

Fetal development in the second month

  • Your baby’s facial features continue to develop, with each ear beginning to look like a tiny patch of skin on the side of the head.
  • Tiny buds grow to form both legs and arms.
  • Fingers and toes are formed, and eyes are included in the second month of pregnancy.
  • The spinal cord, brain, and other nervous tissues are well-formed.
  • The digestive system and sensory organs begin to develop.
  • Bones begin to replace cartilage.
  • The fetus is beginning to move, although you may not feel it now.
  • By the end of the second month, the fetus is about 1 inch long, weighs approximately 9.45 grams, and has a head about a third of its size.

Fetal development First-trimester pregnancy

  • By the end of the third month, the fetus’s feet, legs, and all toes have been formed. The fetus is able to open and close its fists, as well as to open and close its mouth.
  • The outer ea rs of the fetus have been formed.
  • The fetus’s nails have developed, and the beginnings of its teeth are formed.
  • The fetus’s genitals have developed, but gender is now difficult to discern.
  • The fetus’s blood circulation is regularly working. His urinary system is working, and the liver is making bile.
  • At the end of the third month, the fetus is about 3-4 inches in size, about the size of a lemon. 

Changes in Your Body

In the following lines, we will talk about the changes that occur in the mother’s body in the first trimester of pregnancy as follows:

Changes related to the vagina and uterus.

The uterus enlarges and increases in size, and its muscle cells expand. Its shape becomes round at the end of the first month, after initially triangular, and becomes acidic from 4 to 6. The cervix becomes shorter, more comprehensive, and more flexible, and the mucous lining layer thickens and swells, and vaginal secretions also increase in this period.

Changes in the urinary system

The muscles of the urinary system expand, and the urinary canal extends. Stimulation occurs due to hormones, so the bladder swells and is subjected to pressure by the pregnant woman’s uterus. Hence, the pregnant woman always feels the bladder full and the need to empty it, and the possibility of urine stagnation in the bladder increases. Therefore this may cause inflammation in the bladder urethra.

Changes related to the heart and blood vessels.

The mother is the only source of nourishment for her fetus. Therefore the rate of blood pumping increases at a rate of 30-50% throughout the pregnancy to match the biological changes that the mother faces, the heart increases in size a little, and the heart rate increases to 15 beats/minute above the average rate, and the production of Myocardial infarction at a rate of 50%, especially in the first-trimester pregnancy, and it ranges between 4-7 liters in the second trimester.

During pregnancy, the resistance of the vascular system weakens, due to the relaxation of smooth muscles and the expansion of blood vessels, due to the increased secretion of the hormone progesterone, which causes a decrease in the blood pressure of the pregnant woman during most of the pregnancy.

Changes in Your Body

Changes related to blood.

Red blood cells increase by 20-30% during pregnancy. The number of white blood cells rises to 20 thousand / microliter, and the number of platelets decreases to range between 100-150 thousand platelets/microliter.

During the months of pregnancy and after the first weeks of childbirth, women become more likely to develop blood clots due to the liver’s overproduction of various clotting factors, so it is recommended that women move after childbirth to avoid any clots.

Muscle changes

With the advancing age of the pregnancy, the woman’s body is exposed to a change in its position as the pelvic tilt increases and the back is arched, and the abdominal muscles are stretched. The hormones progesterone, estrogen, and relaxin work to stimulate the relaxation of joints, cartilage, and ligaments.

Digestive and stomach changes

During pregnancy, symptoms of nausea and vomiting increase, and contraction of the muscles of the stomach and intestines decreases due to the effect of the hormone progesterone, which causes constipation. The enlargement of the uterine muscle during pregnancy leads to a gradual vertical displacement of both the stomach and intestines. The stomach takes a vertical position instead of the normal horizontal, causing increased pressure and increased water absorption in the intestine.

Renal changes

The size of the kidneys and ureters in a pregnant woman increases to more than 70% of their normal size, and blood flow to the kidneys increases, and its activity rises by more than 50% of normal.

Respiratory changes

The hormonal changes accompanying pregnancy cause a difference in the structure of the mucous blood vessels in the respiratory tract, which results in swelling of the lining of the nose, pharynx, larynx, and trachea, and increases the consumption of oxygen and excretion of carbon dioxide in pregnant women, which causes shortness of breath.

Because the diaphragm is affected by pregnancy and rises 4 cm upwards, as a result of the expanding uterus, the lung capacity decreases due to the compensatory increase in chest diameter, and in fact, breathing during First-trimester pregnancy is abdominal rather than thoracic, making it easier to breathe in a supine position.

Food to Eat and to Avoid

The first months must focus on the important foods that benefit your body and help the fetus in growth and development in these critical months, most notably:

  1. Natural dairy products are light cheese, natural milk, and natural yogurt.
  2. Foods are rich in folic acid to help the fetal brain grow at this stage. They find them in dark paper vegetables, such as spinach, along with avocado, beans, lentils, and pulses in general.
  3. Full-grain to get enough body of fiber and basic minerals, such as brown rice and full-grain and oats.
  4. Mature eggs and meat are two rich sources of protein that need your body at this time.
  5. The valuable fruits of the pregnant woman, choose seasonal fruits, and do not read for canned or frozen fruits. Vegetables of all kinds for vitamins and minerals.
  6. Not salted nuts.
  7. The fish are all except for the banned ones in the preceding paragraph.
  8. Meat and chicken, and try to get away from their fat.

Forged foods for pregnant women first-trimester pregnancy

We will mention the following lines for pregnant foods in the first trimester of pregnancy as follows:

Dairy products

In pregnancy, avoid non-later dairy products, especially the soft cheese made of non-lactating milk, where it may contain an Ekola or Listeria bacteria, which may cause abortion and antioxidants for the fetus.

Meat manufactured

In pregnancy meat, illegal or immature poultry, such as Lenson.

Fish in pregnancy

The fish is a source of protein and omega 3. Still, the fish containing mercury must be avoided by high, such as Abu Saif and mackerel fish, where mercury affects the child’s nerve device’s growth and raw and unsustainable fish, such as oysters, sushi spoils, and herring.

Dates in pregnancy

The pregnant woman does not prefer to eat dates in the first third of the pregnancy, as he might cause abortion because it is an active and easy birth.


In pregnancy, I have not eaten the eggs that are not well cooked or who enter into making cookies or cakes to contain salmonella bacteria.


Eating salt in reasonable quantities causes salty foods and is the mixed head, as salt increase causes pregnancy poisoning.

Canned juices

In pregnancy, the juices and non-pasted milk may contain e-coli bacteria.

Caffeine in pregnancy

Avoid tea, coffee, textile, and soft drinks in First Trimester Pregnancy, with high caffeine rates affecting growth and nervous fetus.

Vegetables and herbs

In pregnancy to avoid parsley, thyme, young, cinnamon, ring, or mint, where they are of uterine doping, and canned power dishes to avoid bacteria.  

Tips for pregnant women in the first months

 These are some task tips to be taken into account when you place your FIRST TRIMESTER PREGNANCY diet:

  • I care about eating vitamins and dietary supplies for pregnancy, especially folic acid.
  • Talk to your doctor about everything going on in your mind about food.
  • Eat healthy foods with moderation in quantities, and do not pray for full satiety.
  • Stay away from eating fast food.
  • I drink enough your body from the water; it is the most crucial element in the equation.
  • Smoking or passive smoking, cigarettes contain chemicals that can harm the fetus, and they can cause nation rupture of the seasons, and then the abortion occurs.
  • Exposure to environmental pollutants, avoid exposure to contaminants and all toxic substances in First Trimester PregNancy, which may exist in the atmosphere or household appliances such as cleaning and paint products, and try to get away from inhaling these toxins because they are a threat to the health of the fetus.
  • Exposure to X-ray or infrared, some radiology may cause deformities of embryos when they are exposed. 
  • Do not take any medications during pregnancy without consulting your doctor; some can move across the placenta to the fetus and many health risks.
  • Bathing in hot water basins or sauna baths, high temperatures used in these places may increase fetal temperature and shine and lead to abortion.
  • Take prenatal vitamins after consulting the doctor about your condition.
  • Marcy light-sport regularly, you can exercise Kegel exercises.

First Trimester Pregnancy

  1. Travel or mobility for remote places, especially if the roads are not in mind.
  2. Diluent home business, which requires effort or carrying heavy things.
  3. Sudden movements and exercises are cumbersome for the body or violent, such as jogging or cord tie, so they do not cause fetal abuse.
  4. Ride amusement games of all kinds.

In the end, First Trimester Pregnancy begins on the first day of the last menstrual cycle and lasts until 13; the first three pregnancies are the most important for your child’s growth. In this first one-third of pregnancy, the body’s body structure and members are developing. Different symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue, frequent urination, and others, let’s through pregnancy symptoms, but each woman has a different experience with pregnancy.

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